Tuesday, December 30, 2008

WebSite Launched

with the help of Almighty Allah, a new website has been launched to further populate this medium of information with the truth of Islam. do invest your time, mind and professionalism to spread the peaceful and practical teachings of islam. your feedback will help in the propagation of this cause. thanks. the link is;


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cry and Cry until you Die

We accepted to take interest on money, result; our economy collapsed and poverty increased.

We addicted ourselves with unnecessary luxuries, result; we cry for them (luxuries) always.

We adopted the habit of eating more than enough (inhumanly), result; we lost the habit of patience.

We kept on saying lies and weighting low to increase our profits, result; our crises are increasing day by day. (From flour to water and electricity to gas)

We rejected to avoid abusing and back biting others, result; the peace we could have by sharing and discussing with each other is no more there. We have lost family ties.

This situation reminds me of a television commercial of Warid Telecom, whose logo is,

“See what happens when you “Zem” it.”

Deviation from Nature will always end in disaster and the only Natural thing is ISLAM.

(Ch-3; V-19) “Truly, the only religion with Allah is Islam…”

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ali Baba and Forty Thieves (A new perspective)

I will like to depict few “unexplained” things from the famous story of Ali Baba. My main concern is not with Ali Baba…as he already has gained much popularity. I am trying to analyze the Forty Thieves. Of course they had one leader: so it appears to me as if they were actually 1 Thief and 39 helpless (“Majboor” and “Baybuss”) human beings.

Helpless, as they don’t really want to be thieves. They hated their job responsibilities. It was just their helplessness and for the sake of survival for life which made them follow their leader.

So should we blame the Leader for their respectful character and role in the story or the rest of 39 human beings must also be blamed? And if we can’t give mercy to the 39 Helpless (Majboor and Baybuss) human beings; how can we expect mercy on us after following such Leaders at the cost of our Helplessness….

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We (Pakistan) In Quran

(Ch-17:V-16) “When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life and yet transgress; so that the word is proved true against them: then (it is) We destroy them utterly”.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Child's Play

“The life of this world is nothing but a mere child’s play (“Khel Tamasha”)”.

My father died----khel tamasha
I lost my job------khel tamasha
My child died------khel tamasha
My wife died-------khel tamasha
My children are crying with hunger-----khel tamasha
I am looted--------khel tamasha
My business trembled------khel tamasha
I lost my respect------------khel tamasha
I lost my lands--------------khel tamasha
If I am trapped in anyone of the described problems and someone mocks at my by saying that it is a “khel tamasha”; I will surely not like his behavior.

Isn’t God a bit cruel to label all these troubles as “khel tamasha”?….because being human beings, these things are the worst situations for us.
So, is God cruel?
He Himself says that He is the most Merciful.
So is He a liar?

If the answer to both the above questions is “No”, then the only questions remain are, “do we really understand and implement what is meant by this verse of Quran?” and “do we really believe whatever is written in Quran, or are we in doubts?”

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What Should I Compare To?

The front tyre of my car punctured. I took it to the nearest mechanic. He fixed the tyre and again filled it with air. On my way back, I realized that my relation with my God is just as the relation of the car tyre with the road surface.

Whenever the tyre punctures, it flattens, and its contact surface area with the earth increases. When it is again filled with air, the contact area again reduces, but the connection between tyre surface and the surface of earth never discontinues. As it is mentioned in Quran,

(Ch:10, V:12) When trouble toucheth a man, He crieth unto Us (in all postures)- lying down on his side, or sitting, or standing. But when We have solved his trouble, he passeth on his way as if he had never cried to Us for a trouble that touched him! thus do the deeds of transgressors seem fair in their eyes!

Whenever I am in pain and trouble its just like the tyre is deflate. The more I am in pain, the more I increase my contact with God, just like the punctured tyre.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

From where "They" get this!

It is a very common misunderstanding in the non-Muslim society that, “Islam is spread with sword”. I wonder, how come they get this idea. One possibility is that they might have read history and the only reason came to their minds for the immense population of Muslims, is that it may be spread forcefully. It may also be only one of their justifications to favor their own religion. But the alarming thing (and the reason for writing this message) is something shameful. They got this idea from the behavior of us Muslims. It is the most shameful fact.

Look around us, all of us, is there any supremacy of Allah? Our shame cells have ceased their growth. Do we feel shame of anything? Just keep on discussing and pointing others mistakes, as we are perfect in our ownselves. We are giving such impression to the non-Muslims as if we are fed up with Islam and we are just obeying it under certain pressures.

Don’t agree with me??? Look at the young Muslim males standing flawless to stare passing by ladies and listening to vulgar songs and dancing and enjoying life blindly. Still don’t agree??? Look at the young Muslim ladies fighting so hard to get rid of veil, giving so many justifications, burning their blood and time to be free of this obligation. Haven’t we read the following order of Allah…,

24:30 Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.

24:31 And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands……”, So, do you still dare to agree me not?

And then crying for “Toheen-e-Rasalut”. What a pity!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Confusion Diffusion

There is a difference between “Knowing” and “Believing”. Then there is a difference between “Believing” and “Understanding”. Finally, there is a difference between “Understanding” and “Implementing”.

The whole concept of reward from Allah, starts from “Knowing” and ends at “Implementing”. Lets us analyze the same process in reverse direction; without “Implementation, there is no use of “Understanding”: without “Understanding, there is no use of “Believing” and without “Believing”, “Knowing” is doubtful.

Human beings respond against Implementation whereas Almighty Allah also responds against “Struggle”. Therefore, we have to struggle for the pleasure of Allah, otherwise He is not kind to those who don’t even bother to “Struggle” for His pleasure.

“So when you have finished (your occupation), devote yourself to Allah’s worship. And to your Lord (Alone) turn (all your) intentions and hopes.” (Ch-94; V 7, 8)

Suppose I am working in an office from 9 am to 5 pm, then verse no. 7 describes the time table for me which is after 5 pm (when you have finished (your occupation), devote yourself to Allah’s worship). Now how to spent time from 9 am to 5 pm? This is described in verse no. 8 (And to your Lord (Alone) turn (all your) intentions and hopes).

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Message 80 (FAQs)

Allah: Were not My orders clear to you? Were My words confusing for you?

Engr. Atif Abbasi: No My Lord.

Allah: Then when I have said in Quran (2:208) that,
“O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one (satin); for he is to you an avowed (confirmed) enemy.”, why you couldn’t understand and implement?

Engr. Atif Abbasi: My Lord, i did understand and i implemented to my full extent but i was helpless at some stages for earning food for my family.

Allah: Do you think that you can lie to Me or can betray Me with your lame excuses. If you have had understood and implemented, do you think I would have asked this question from you?

Engr. Atif Abbasi: (Complete Silence)

Foot-Steps of Satin Exposed:

Following are few of millions of foot steps of satin (there is a difference between “satin” and the “Foot Steps” of satin; explained by Dr. Zakir and other scholars);

1- Not following traffic rules and blaming the system.
2- Use of unnecessary horn on roads instead of taking help from patience.
3- Asking for favors of friends and colleagues and looking for shortcuts while breaking the proper procedure.
4- Not up-bringing the children in an Islamic prospective. ( Smoking, back biting, using ill language and quarrelling infront of them, not warning them on their bad deeds rather describing it with pride to others…and etc)
5- All those laws that we break by saying, “it don’t make any difference”.
6- Sharing bad jokes.
7- Planning for leg pulling, disgracing, degrading or ruling over others.

Allah: Haven’t you read My blessings in Quran (2:207) that,
“And there is the type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is full of kindness to (His) devotees.” Then why you became helpless in devoting yourself?

Engr. Atif Abbasi: (Complete Silence)

I am shocked after imagining this dialogue with my Creator. I hope it could shock everyone, because being a Muslim, everyone can imagine this situation.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fixing Ones Glasses

For the last couple of months…I have been visiting Christianity Groups to have some discussions with them. I want to share a little portion of chat with a Christian, which filled me with shame;

Christian: I cannot be a Muslim because Muhammad is (naauzubillah) a liar.
Me: How come you say that?
Christian: He said there is no discrimination amongst human beings.
Me: Yes, then?
He: But there is a lot of discrimination in Muslims? Why?
Me: Because we don’t implement his teachings.
He: What a funny reply….Why don’t you implement his teachings? Don’t you believe him?
Me: Yes we do believe him. By heart and soul, we love him more than our parents.
He: According to science, a human being follows only those things whom he believes to be true….and implement only those teachings which he thinks are in his favor. So either Muhammad is liar to say that there is no discrimination…or you are a liar to say that you believe him and love him. And in both the cases I cannot follow any liar. Am I wrong to say that???

If my parents have brought me up in a very nice manner, fulfilled all my requirements, given me fresh food and well education and provided me with all the humanly necessities in a very outstanding way; Then if, infront of a gathering I become the source of their disrepute, what should be the reaction of my parents for me??? Regardless of their reaction, (because since they love me, they may forgive me) I think it will be very unethical for me to do that…is it not?
Due to excessive use; my glasses have become loose to the extent that whenever I look down…they start slipping from my nose (or you can say Jab Bhe Geraybaan May Jhankta Hoon, Gir Jatay Hain). But due to the length of my lengthy nose, I can manage them again before they fell down…But respected ones, I know that the length of my life is not that much long…I may not have the time to manage it before its fall. So I better repair (or fix) my life (right now) otherwise it won’t take long to slip and fell down…..!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

An Annoying Journey

I was traveling in a bus. For the sake of some construction work, the road was broken and its condition was extremely bad (full of bumps and jumps). The jerks were really annoying me, so I called upon the conductor of the bus and asked him, why the driver is not using the alternate path; as it is very smooth, clean and clear? Why he is keeping us passengers, in pain and frustration of slow speed? I mean, it was really irritating. The conductor gave a reply and I was stunned…..

He said, “The bus has to follow the same route as was decided and planned by the company. Neither the driver, nor anyone else has the right to change the path just for the sake of smooth and fast traveling”.

I, being a preacher and follower of “Modernization” in religion and other aspects of life, couldn’t swallow the words of conductor; so most respectfully I share them with all of you learned people and leave it upon you to decide whether to continue with the same “old route” (with the struggle of making it better, and removing bumps and jumps from its way) or to replace it with a newer one, just to avoid the hardships (of improving the previous one)???

Friday, March 28, 2008

Losing Value With Time

Some bright students were solving their examination papers very enthusiastically. Some others were trying to choose any question from the list, to solve first while the rest of them were just thinking and looking around for some help. As the finishing time of the exam was approaching nearer, all the students became more conscious and alert. Those who were already busy became more fast. Those who were just thinking, now started writing whatever they knew, not even bothering about what the question is. Atlast the time expired and I, being the invigilator of the examination hall, took all the papers back from the students. Some of them even gave me blank answer sheets…!

In the examination of this life, some realize the importance of being Muslim at a very early stage. Others take sometime to understand the purpose of life. Some keep thinking until the last hour arrives and the remaining never bothers to hand over empty sheets.

I always preferred to use that medicine whose expire date is far ahead from the present date. The more far the expire date is, the more useful is the medicine. On reaching closer to the expiry date, even all the ingredients remain the same, but the medicine becomes useless. No matter how precious and costly that medicine may be, one day it has to expire and before that it has to loose its value with every passing day…!

Our life will also expire one day. We are loosing the value of our worships and righteous deeds day by day, as we are getting older. We are also loosing the chances of earning Sawabs with our growing age. We must not waste this precious time in “profitless” activities and I am sure most of us Muslims know, without any doubts, that what the “Profit” is.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Best of the Best

After going through local media news, I decided to boil the tap water before drinking it. After some days, I realized that I have to adopt some new method, so I installed a water filter. For further satisfaction, I used to boil the water first before passing it through the filter. Being unsatisfied again, I started using Mineral Water. Then there was the issue of “Purity”.
Atlast my doubts for un-hygienic water are cleared by using Pure Mineral Water of a famous brand. This is the level of my self-concerned and consciousness. In order to clear my doubts, I always take the pain and go for best of the best.

I use to ask myself, “Why I say prayers?” My inner-self replies, “In order to please Allah”.
I again ask myself, “Am I sure, that I am pleasing Allah with my prayers?” “I mean, what if Allah is not pleasing with my prayers?” “Am I doing something to clear my doubts?” “Am I taking any pain to be sure of pleasing Allah?” “I mean, what if Allah is not pleasing with my prayers?” I am worried and unsatisfied because I am not taking any precautionary measures to please Allah. “What else should I do, if I don’t even worry about it?”

Limits Of Freedom

To every independence and freedom, there always is a corresponding limitation. Freedom without any limit creates an unjust society. All of us (or most of us) today feel that we are free to do anything within our boundaries; what we fail to realize is the limitations we must abide by within our boundaries.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Bright Side

First there was no electricity, then there was no water and atlast but not least, there was no gas in (few) major and (most of the) minor areas of Lahore. That is how 2007 ended and 2008 started. The shortage of basic food ingredients resulted in “Price Shoot up”. The crime rate is increasing. The poverty is prolonging. But; we have to look at the bright side which states that;

This is the only method of preparing the whole nation (at once) for any state of war. Because during war times, whole nation has to suffer with the disturbances in infrastructure; with already disturbed infrastructure, things will become easy at difficult times…..

So please accept the current pathetic situation with this bright side in mind…
Please go to Quran and read it in the language you understand the best, for correct picture of everything.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Message 73 (Fortotten and Forgetting)

These are the famous two confusing terms Forgotten and Forgetting. Let me try to clarify this confusion. Sometimes we forgot, but remember that we have forgotten. On the other hand, sometimes we even forgot that we have forgotten.

Suppose you have given debt to your close friend. You won’t ask him for your money again and again as he is your close friend. After sometime, when you will remind him of the debt and he may reply, “Oh sorry, I almost forgot”, which means that he remembered, he was forgetting (which is actually your good luck). But suppose if you ask your money back after a long time, he may reply, “What money? When?”, Now there could be two possibilities, either your friend is lying (which I neglect, because he is your close friend) or he may have “Forgotten that he is Forgetting”.

This situation of “I have Forgotten, that I am Forgetting” is worst as compared to single “Forgot”, which can be remembered. Hence it creates even worst situations. We Muslims, mostly, as a society, have actually forgotten that we are forgetting something. I am sure my point will be clear upto this point. That “something” is the teachings of Quran. We have forgotten that we are forgetting the duties which were given to us as a Muslim nation and as a Muslim individual. Let us hope for the best.

Go to Quran and read it in the language you understand the best.