Saturday, October 27, 2007

(How To) Deal With Differences

Haier is the world’s second largest company in home appliances. It is a Chinese company having about 10,000 employees and produces almost 5,000 refrigerators daily. My experience and common sense does not allow me to believe that all 10,000 employees will have same point of view in all matters of life. But yes, they do have a common purpose (goal), that is progress of their organization and they strive for it keeping behind all their individual differences. They say that differences can be discussed during lunch break, but for the rest of the time we must work for the same goal. This is one of the major reasons for the success and progress of, not only China, but all other parts of the world too.

We as Hereditary Muslims take our religion for granted and keep on arguing on useless matters in a useless manner. We keep on fighting with each other and end up only with maligning Islam. There are a lot of issues for which we have to use our energies and time, e.g, hundreds of children die because of hunger (and those who don’t die are actually more harmful for the society because of extreme poverty), patients are helpless in hospitals, women are used as toys etc etc etc. All these issues are not jokes and a harsh reality which we have to face. What are we doing to solve these problems? We just keep on increasing our own bank balance and status without thinking even once for our fellow Muslims in pain and disaster. Is this what we are for? Is this Islam? Are we Muslims? Is this what we call a Muslim? Any sensible stranger will have to say that if this is the character of a Muslim (to neglect his fellow men and just think of himself), then Muslims must be very ruthless and mean people.

Kindly stop wasting energies on invain matters. Let us atleast try to tolrate others with their point of views and be united, as far as our goal is same, that is, Pleasure of Allah (SWT). Let us practice Peace, Patience and Persistence ( in worshiping Allah and righteous deeds), and make this world a happy, respectful place for our today and future. I will like to end the topic with the Quranic verse (which is self-explanatory) and I am sorry for any inconvenience or offend caused to anyone from my words. The attention of the message is only to spread the message of Unity amongst all Muslims, which is the only solution left.

“…Likewise we explain verses in detail for those who have understanding.”

Go to Quran and read it in the language you understand the best.
I am sure that Allah will guide us all inshahallah in the right way. Amin

Monday, October 15, 2007

Unity is the only Human Power

It is shameful once again to count the number of Eids. Unless there is a unity amongst all Muslim sects, it will not be possible to save Islam from such jokes. And it is actually saving our ownselves from Hell Fire. So be united for the sake of Islam and forget all the differences as far as our goal is "The Pleasure of Allah". Be united and be a good Muslim.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Planimeter…The Best Muslim

Planimeter is a mechanical device to measure the area of any irregular surface. It consists of a needle and a screen which shows the result. In order to calculate the area of an irregular drawing, you just need to move the needle exactly over the lines of that drawing and it will show the result. The most important precaution is to be very careful while tracing the needle of Planimeter over the lines, because any little distortion will make the result wrong.

This is what we Muslims call as “Serat-e-Mustaqeem” or “Taqwa”, that is, to follow the right path strictly and carefully, because any distortion will end up in wrong results.

Go to Quran and read it in the language you understand the best.
I am sure that Allah will guide us all inshahallah in the right way. Amin

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"Herditary Muslims"...

We Muslims are very criticizing and protesting people (especially Pakistani Hereditary Muslims). We never let go any wrong act of anyone ignored; whilst we might me doing the same wrong act. It is very difficult for us to satisfy ourselves. We always strive for more and more, better and better (which is not wrong at all, but we have to admit that still we are at the loser’s end. It means that there is something wrong in either our lust for betterment, or the way of striving; otherwise, those who strive for the best are the best amongst the nations). And we love to complaint and protest. We are always looking to collect sympathy (even after being a millionaire) or extra fame (even after sleeping all the time).

It is simple that due to our laziness we don’t go for car repair regularly and when during going to an important meeting, when the car stops in the middle of the way; we used to curse the car and our luck. The same behavior of humans like us is described by Allah:

“…And verily, when We cause man to taste of mercy from Us, he rejoices thereat; but when some ill befalls them because of the deeds which their hands have sent forth, then verily, man (becomes) ingrate!” (Ch-42; V-48)

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Leaf of Belief

If we dip a small piece of paper into a glass of water, the paper will absorb some quantity of liquid in it. If we dip a small of piece of leather in the same water, the amount of liquid absorb by it will be different. Litmus paper (used for acid base test) will also absorb only some quantity of water. Now if we dip a piece of tissue in the water, it will become all damped.
Same is the case with belief. It will be absorbed in us according to our own wish and desire. Unless we won’t absorb belief in Allah like a tissue absorbs water; we will never be able to fulfill His commandments, no matter how hard we try.

Go to Quran and read it in the language you understand the best.
I am sure that Allah will guide us all inshahallah in the right way. Amin