Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Confusion Diffusion

There is a difference between “Knowing” and “Believing”. Then there is a difference between “Believing” and “Understanding”. Finally, there is a difference between “Understanding” and “Implementing”.

The whole concept of reward from Allah, starts from “Knowing” and ends at “Implementing”. Lets us analyze the same process in reverse direction; without “Implementation, there is no use of “Understanding”: without “Understanding, there is no use of “Believing” and without “Believing”, “Knowing” is doubtful.

Human beings respond against Implementation whereas Almighty Allah also responds against “Struggle”. Therefore, we have to struggle for the pleasure of Allah, otherwise He is not kind to those who don’t even bother to “Struggle” for His pleasure.

“So when you have finished (your occupation), devote yourself to Allah’s worship. And to your Lord (Alone) turn (all your) intentions and hopes.” (Ch-94; V 7, 8)

Suppose I am working in an office from 9 am to 5 pm, then verse no. 7 describes the time table for me which is after 5 pm (when you have finished (your occupation), devote yourself to Allah’s worship). Now how to spent time from 9 am to 5 pm? This is described in verse no. 8 (And to your Lord (Alone) turn (all your) intentions and hopes).

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Message 80 (FAQs)

Allah: Were not My orders clear to you? Were My words confusing for you?

Engr. Atif Abbasi: No My Lord.

Allah: Then when I have said in Quran (2:208) that,
“O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one (satin); for he is to you an avowed (confirmed) enemy.”, why you couldn’t understand and implement?

Engr. Atif Abbasi: My Lord, i did understand and i implemented to my full extent but i was helpless at some stages for earning food for my family.

Allah: Do you think that you can lie to Me or can betray Me with your lame excuses. If you have had understood and implemented, do you think I would have asked this question from you?

Engr. Atif Abbasi: (Complete Silence)

Foot-Steps of Satin Exposed:

Following are few of millions of foot steps of satin (there is a difference between “satin” and the “Foot Steps” of satin; explained by Dr. Zakir and other scholars);

1- Not following traffic rules and blaming the system.
2- Use of unnecessary horn on roads instead of taking help from patience.
3- Asking for favors of friends and colleagues and looking for shortcuts while breaking the proper procedure.
4- Not up-bringing the children in an Islamic prospective. ( Smoking, back biting, using ill language and quarrelling infront of them, not warning them on their bad deeds rather describing it with pride to others…and etc)
5- All those laws that we break by saying, “it don’t make any difference”.
6- Sharing bad jokes.
7- Planning for leg pulling, disgracing, degrading or ruling over others.

Allah: Haven’t you read My blessings in Quran (2:207) that,
“And there is the type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is full of kindness to (His) devotees.” Then why you became helpless in devoting yourself?

Engr. Atif Abbasi: (Complete Silence)

I am shocked after imagining this dialogue with my Creator. I hope it could shock everyone, because being a Muslim, everyone can imagine this situation.